League Rules
Posted on Jan 2, 2015
in League Posts by

- Goal: When a goal is scored, the scoring team must give the red line for play to resume.
- Frozen Puck: When a goalie freezes the puck the offensive team must give the opposition the blue line.
- Icing: When the puck is iced, the opposing team’s goaltender is allowed to freeze the puck outside of the crease. The team who iced the puck must then give the opposition the blue line.
- Offsides: Offsides are to be called by the defensive team should a clear offside infraction occur. The offensive team must then relinquish the puck to the defensive team for play to resume.
- Aggressive Hooking, Slashing, Tripping, Crosschecking, Contact, etc: Any illegal infractions of any kind are not permitted EVER. Accidental infractions should be dealt with by ensuring the other player is OK and relinquishing possession of the puck to the opposing team. (Discrepancies on the extent of an infraction will vary and should be dealt with in a gentlemanly way on the ice). Any repeated overtly aggressive play within a game will result in that player being ejected from the game. Repeat offenders will be dealt game suspensions. If an issue occurs and goes unnoticed, DO NOT RETALIATE. Speak with your team captain and they will then address the situation with the opposing team’s captain.
- Fighting or Thrown Punches: Fighting or the throwing of punches are never permitted under any circumstances. Guilty parties will be immediately ejected from the game and receive a permanent dismissal from the league without refund of league fees.
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